4 Common SEO Myths Not to Worry About

Mohammad Zeeshan
1 min readApr 25, 2021


SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) Its A well-known term for nearly every blogger. Today, I’d like to talk about some popular SEO myths that aren’t real. Nearly every blog is stuffed with these SEO Myths but keeps in mind that everything is not true. Let us take a look at some of the most popular SEO Myths.

Common SEO Myths

Before starting I think it’s vital to tell that these myths are tested by me on my blogs and also I have seen a lot of blogs following these myths but not ranking anywhere. So it’s all about my experience. Your views may be different but I would like to hear them.

1. Keyword Stuffed Content Gives Higher Rankings

This is a phenomenon that almost every new blogger experiences, and most experts acknowledge it. Many websites use the same keywords over and over again, which is ineffective. That’s what we call ”Keyword Stuffing”.

There was a time when having a high keyword density could help you rank higher, but Google will now sue you if you do so.

An Example of Keyword Stuffing: I love WordPress Blog. WordPress blog is good for SEO. You can use many plugins in WordPress Blog. There are a lot of themes available for WordPress blogs. You can start a WordPress blog with free hosting. WordPress blog is different than Blogspot blog.

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Mohammad Zeeshan

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