SEO Best Practices 2020 for Sorting your Content — Categories vs Tags

Mohammad Zeeshan
2 min readJun 27, 2020


If you are a beginner: in the world of blogging or your blog still does not rank on Google. So here I am going to tell you some of the best practices of SEO, so that you can increase your organic traffic easily. In this article, we will explain to you the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) best practices, and also the difference between categories vs tags.

And later on, I will also answer questions related to it that will keep going in your mind. So now let’s start without delay.

Difference Between Categories vs Tags?

Categories are done for a wide grouping of your post. Consider this for your table of content or your general topics for your WordPress website. You can also create your sub-categories because categories are hierarchical.

For example, if you write articles related to blogging, then your categories will be like this –Beginners guide, SEO, SMO, Affiliate marketing etc, So that you can show your different posts in a fixed category.

Tags describe your posts in particular. Consider this as the index words of your website. They allow your content to micro categorize. Tags don’t have hierarchical performance.

For example, this post has the tags: categories vs tags, SEO best practices, sorting your content. But you would not see any of these tags displaying anywhere in this article.

One more thing, if your blog is on WordPress, then there are many such themes if you installed them: your tags can show in the starting of your article or in the last.

If you also have such questions

How can You Add Categories and Tags in WordPress?

How Many WordPress Categories Should You Have?

Are tags important in WordPress?

Just click here to know More on Categories vs tags here



Mohammad Zeeshan

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